Friday, August 31, 2012

Big Apple... supporters

Amidst the laundry we have two little ones and their favorite toys.
They have a distinct love for the iPhone, iTouch, and iPad.
Typically she's trying to eat it.
This is a rare moment where she is actually attempting to look at it...
Few and far between...
This is HIS phone.
It is really an iTouch that I bought *used* from a former student.
He loves it.
It is currently the ONLY way we can get him to use the potty.
For number 2. 
Typical man.
He loves his phone and watching videos on it.
He's a pro at YouTube and Disney Junior.
I often wonder what their generation will be like.
I certainly didn't have a computer like this at age 2.
His learning will be VERY different from mine.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Baby Mine

There is something magical about being a momma.  Tonight I got the chance to experience one of my favorite momma moments.  I was downstairs searching for paint colors for the new house, and trust me, that is NO easy task, while searching, I could hear the fussing and whining of my sweet girl upstairs.  I know she's tired and ready for bed, but that didn't stop me from checking on her just because...

So, I whisked up the stairs and opened her door.  Elizabeth popped her little head up and indicated with her 'uh uh uh' talk that she wanted to be picked up.  I obliged.  I scooped my baby girl up and soaked up that sweet baby bath smell.  I cleaned out the glider and we rocked for a few minutes.  She is so curious and was trying so hard to avoid the bedtime sleepies.  She would sit quietly and every minute perk her head up and question something she could see in the shadows in her room.  'Ooooh oooh' she would exclaim as she lifted her tired little head and I would quietly whisper, 'Night Night' in response to her question.  As soon as I would respond her little head would find a place on my chest and she would burrow a little bit further into her blanket.  After a while she kept her sweet little head resting on my chest and there were no more questions.  She started to breathe heavier and I knew she was drifting into dream land.  She rubs her little hands together when she's falling asleep.  And the hand rubbing had begun.  She gathers her blanket up close to her face when she's getting sleepy and the blanket was covering her face.  Slowly I can feel her body get heavy with sleep.  Oh bliss.  I couldn't help but sing the lyrics to Baby Mine as I rocked her tonight.  I could feel my eyes start to well up with tears as I thought about how blessed I truly am to have these babies, and how they were given to me, and they are mine.  

Baby Mine, don't you cry
Baby Mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine
Little one when you play
Don't you mind what they say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine
If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you
From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby mine


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Is this real life?

I signed up for this.
Atlanta Half Marathon.
Thanksgiving Day 2012.
I'll be running to earn my Turkey Day feast.
And then I'll be napping. 

This is my training schedule.
I'm going to cry.
And then go run.

I can do this.
I can do this.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fat Kid Food

We might have stumbled upon gold here....
Fat kid heaven. 
Chocolate chip cookies stuffed with Doube Stuff Oreos.
Sugar overload.
Swear, I only ate 20.  Or so...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Father/Son Football Fan Night

Thanks to my sweet friend Stephanie for taking these photos for me. 
I missed their night because I had to coach my girls at the football game!
I know they had a GREAT time!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cupcakes for Dessert

The babies got some dessert from our sweet friends at school. 
I'm pretty sure the frosting and the crumbs were the best part.
My kids never turn down sweets, but neither do I, so.......

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pink Playroom

New playroom.
Hayes would tell you that it is 'really cool'.
Typical conversation goes like this...
Hayes--HEY!  Wanna come upstairs and see my weally tool play room?
Anyone--Yes!  Let's go.
Hayes--HEY!  Wanna come see my pink play room?  Its weally tool.
Anyone-- as they are climing the steps...

He's a GREAT host and shares all the details as he's showing you around the new house.
After all, it is weally tool.

Monday, August 20, 2012

So tall!

She barely fits in the pack and play anymore.  I cannot believe she is one whole year old. 
Where did my itty bitty baby go? 
Safe to say that she's pretty cozy in that little bitty space too. 
Chillin' in the pack and play taking a nap at BeBe & PaPa's house.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Funday

New house=playground 2 doors down.
I figure we'll go visit a lot.
First visit=success.
We were all sweating by the time we left.
Love these babies.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Baby Sisters

Libs refuses to wear hairbows.
She didn't protest the Woody dress up scarf though.
Oh, and that beauty is my baby sister Leigh Anne.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Climbing in the Cabinets

I think she likes the new house too.
No cabinet locks.
She uses the cabinets as her personal jungle.
Play and explore all day!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Moving Madness

OMG.  We moved.
Chaos was sure to follow.
We had about 20 people...
various wrestlers, cheerleaders, the babysitter, and a handful of family members to help us that day. 
It took us ALL day long on Saturday... but we are moved! 
 We started EARLY Saturday and began with cinnamon roll breakfast.
Pizza for lunch...
And then the crew left us that afternoon.
We had everything ALL together and spent Saturday night at the NEW HOUSE!

I love our new house so much.
Still cannot believe we live here!
Next up... yard work...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Wedding Bells

I got to see this sweet girl get married!
I am SO proud of the amazing young lady that God has grown her into.
She was beautiful and her wedding was so much fun!
I had a blast and I was honored to go.

Courtney was one of my most favorite students ever.  She was always excited about learning and especially exited about taking home a plastic baby.  Yes, plastic baby.  Part of my class requires a weekend with a baby simulator....  Courtney took it home with a smile on her face.  Twice.  She's nuts.  A few years after that she had a sweet girl of her own, Mayson.  And voila!  Now she is married and all grown up.  I tend to forget that my students actually grow up.  In my head they are eternally 'just graduated last year' and never actually moving forward with life.  I know that they do, I just forget how often it actually happens.  I miss having her smile around the building.  I cannot WAIT to see what happens next in her life.  :)

Baby Libby

I cannot believe this baby girl has turned one. 
Where did the time go?
Some of her favorite things right now are...
Playing 'chase' with her brother at the new house
Making all sorts of silly noises with her mouth
Babbling along with anyone singing a song
Eating.  Anything and everything
Climbing the stairs
Snuggling with you when you hold her
Running, errr, walking away really quickly while you chase her
I cannot wait to see how God continues to bless us with her giggles!
She's such a little firecracker and so fierce with us.
I absolutely adore her.
Even if she is seriously strong willed and likely going to be the death of me...

Side note... found this.
Loved it.
Quote from The Golden Girls tv show.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New House

Interior of the house.  I ran out of good daylight for the outside. 


In the event that you cannot see the slide show, here is the link to the album.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Road Trip to Charleston

Baby girl did SO good on our road trip.  She slept most of the way to and from Charleston.
And we made RECORD time both ways!
Unfortunately, the last little bit of the trip home was her rough patch.
She doesn't like being in the car seat at all!
We struggled to find things to entertain her for that last hour and a half.
I finally gave her an unopened pack of wipes.
There are 56 wipes in that pack.  She removed EVERY SINGLE ONE of them!
I knew my car smelled yummy, but I had NO idea what she was really doing back there!
Just have to laugh...
She's so big.  Walking around with her towel and her snack.

Playing on Papa's lap between naps and snacks.

I just want y'all to know that we stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get a snack and go potty.
I ordered myself that maple frosted donut so I could eat it.
Hayes ate it.  Well, he ate the icing and the part on top.
I guess he was just saving me the calories?

Playing with the water hose while 'filling up the pool' and watering the plants.
He's pretty much my favorite little boy in the whole world.