Thursday, April 24, 2014

Almost home.

Caution:  this will be a husband/dad brag.  Read accordingly.  Or skip because you aren't interested...

This man is wonderful.  Last year about this time he looked at me one night after dinner and said, 'If you really want to have another baby, we better get it done soon.  You have until August and then we are done trying.'  My heart almost leaped out of my chest!  I had just left the doctor's offices a few weeks prior with a birth control prescription and I hadn't filled it yet since we were not quite decided on that plan or not...  I know he wasn't too sure about baby #3, but he knew I really wanted one.  Sure enough, we 'tried' for about 3 months and we got pregnant by August.  We actually found out we were expecting SB the last week of July.  I was thrilled!  

I have the best partner.  He knew that this last baby was a true desire of my heart and he let me have it.  Yes, I could have created a surprise baby.  Yes, we could have had an accident.  I don't believe that would be a good way to bring a baby into my family.  Not to mention the whole, 'lying to your spouse' thing.  Yeah, just not okay.  And he listened to me complain and whine and fuss and be grateful and loving and a bit hormonal for 39 weeks and 6 whole days.  He listened to every single bit of it.  He reminded me that I chose this and that I wanted it.  When I got tired he rubbed my feet or rubbed my head.  He didn't complain when his 'daddy work load' got harder because I could do less.  He stepped up the game.

He has always been a hands on dad.  He does bath time every. single. night without fail.  He helps fold tiny clothes and puts them away.  He helps dress a little girl who changes her mind at least 3 times each morning.  God help us when she becomes a teenager....  He brushes teeth and wipes bottoms and kisses all the boo-boos.  He cuts up food and cleans up the kitchen.  He does everything I ask him to do and goes above and beyond any expectation I had for a spouse or a father.  I am so blessed.  
But this 3rd baby journey was harder on me than the other baby journeys.  Caring for 2 littles at home while being pregnant is HARD.  Women who have lots of children are to be admired.  Period.  It was more difficult than I anticipated.  Physically, my body is tired.  3 babies in 5 years is no small feat.  Emotionally, this baby was difficult to carry and the delivery was difficult too.  My body has taken a beating and this recovery has been, and is STILL challenging.  I am taking it one day at a time and trying to let my body heal.  Daryk has stepped up, again and is taking great care of me, my big kids, the baby, and our household.  I never doubted that he would, but it is hard to cry it out and just let him help.

I am fiercely independent and would like to think I can do everything all by myself.  I wonder why my 2 year old says that same sentence all the time... and I find myself having to ask for help this go round.  I needed a lot of it from the start, and he's been here the whole time.  He held me when I cried because I was tired and too hormonal to function.  He helped me out of bed when I couldn't get up alone.  He has been amazing.  I am thankful to God for him every minute of every day.  I couldn't have chosen a better partner to 'do life with' than this man.  

And just because every post should have a picture of THIS cuteness...
There you go.
A baby bunny with socks for hands because she had Wolverine size claws upon delivery.  
And she has the best cheeks ever.
The end.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

She's photogenic, what can I say?

I cannot handle the squishy baby face.  I have to laugh at her multiple chins, her chubby cheeks, and her leg rolls.  She is the perfect example of baby perfection.  Third time is the charm, right?

Baby yawns are enough to make you swoon.

Y'all, the hospital they make these hats with bows.  As in, my nurses made it for her one night while I was asleep.  She rocks that bow like a true lady.  The bigger the bow... the closer to Jesus.  

I just can't even.
I just love her.
I never thought I'd say things like, 'I'm done having children'...
But I do believe I'm done.
For a multitude of reasons, which I'll explain in a later post.
For now, I'm going to soak up some baby snuggles and neck sugars 
...before she turns two and says NO all the time.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The day I had a toddler at birth.

Busily trying to distract myself in pre-op.  Notice I'm STILL WEARING MY WEDDING RINGS.  File that under things that never happen the morning of delivery.... I was BEYOND ready for that child to come out of my belly.  I was also shocked to discover that I was contracting pretty good that morning.  Once I was hooked up to the millions of monitors I learned that.  Too bad the contractions just hurt my belly and produce ZERO dilation for delivery.  And all the time I thought Spencer kept moving around, but I was wrong.  Contractions.  I had the best pre-op experience possible.  We got there SUPER early (much to early for my liking) and I was more than ready to go.  I was also more than ready to eat.  That's the worst part of a surgery, not eating after midnight.  I didn't cheat this time.  No food or drink after midnight for real this time.  I've cheated with the other two.  I'm a rebel like that.  

Arrival at Northside:  6:30 a.m..  Actually, we were kinda early.  Huge thanks to Emily and Doug for letting us stay in their guest suite the night before.  It was so easy to drive the 2 miles over at 6 a.m.  We were parked, checked in, and ready to go around 6:45 a.m.  We stayed in pre-op for a bit since it was a busy day.  Funny, 4-14-14 was a really popular induction and c-section day.  It was my 2nd choice, but it worked.  My surgery was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. but we had a bit of a delay since they were so busy!  I got wheeled back and they started surgery.  I had a fabulous anesthesiologist and my doctor is always fabulous.  I love her dearly and I do mean that.  She is a wonderful person who is so *warm* when dealing with my healthcare and babies.  

She narrated the whole process and we were done with delivery around 9:03 a.m.  I heard that time and was betting that was Spencer's weight, but I was wrong!  Spencer came out kicking and screaming, a sign of things to come?  She also promptly peed on the warming bed... so that was fun.  She got checked out and sent to recovery after that.  I got put back together and sent to recovery myself.   My big kids both had breathing distress upon delivery, so I didn't get to hang with them during recovery.  They both spent about 4-5 hours each in the transition nursery.  Spencer was perfect and I got to watch her get a bath while we were both in recovery.  I also got ice chips!  Praise Jesus!  

They weighed her in recovery.  9 lbs. and 9 oz.  Child was a small toddler at birth.  I could NOT believe how big she was!  No wonder she hurt so bad!  She is perfect!  

First photo of her after birth.
Yes, I have on makeup.
I'm not a fool.
I know there will be pictures that day and I planned to look good.

Welcome to the world Spencer Brynne Cochran.
You complete my Cochran family and I love you more each day.
I hope we are as good to you as you are good to us.
9:03 a.m.
9 lbs. 9 oz.
20 inches long

Monday, April 14, 2014

Not amused.

Dress up happens DAILY at our house.  Sometimes there are multiple costumes worn.  Sometimes I get a look like this from Hayes.  Mostly I just get the cheese face... but occasionally I get a legit smile.  I get a lot of sass from that girl up top.  I LOVE watching them use their imagination and play whatever they like to.  Sometimes they are soldiers.  Sometimes I get a princess.  Sometimes I get a knight or a prince who is going to rescue said princess.  Sometimes they play nice and other times they are trying to kill each other.  Either way, I love our giant tub of dress up stuff and I'm beyond thankful for the additions that we are gifted!  

Thursday, April 10, 2014

5 Days to SB

5 days.  I have 5 days left to be a parent of just two children.  Though, technically I've been a parent to 3 children since early August 2013.... the government will recognize this life within my belly in 5 days.  Hopefully, not sooner.  I am just NOT prepared for her to come early.  I have literally arranged every detail I can imagine to have her on Monday and if she shows up early it will rock my world.  MUCH more so than she is rocking my belly...

She is a blessing.  Spencer Brynne Cochran is my final 'planned' blessing.  I have to laugh at all the people who tell me to just have another baby and make it an 'accident'...  Y'all, I can't do that.  I cannot lie well and I know that would be a terrible idea.  Seriously, I'd make the worst poker partner ever.  It would be a useless experiment.  So IF you hear that I'm pregnant again, you'll know it was literally an accident, as in... we didn't plan it on purpose.  We would both be shocked and terrified and delirious.

Today I go to the doctor's office for my last pregnancy visit with SB.  I have 5 days left to her arrival date and I'm anxious!  I'm ready to meet our newest Cochran and see her face.  I want to smell baby smell and I'm excited to change diapers.  I cannot wait to see how she impacts our family and our lives.  I am overwhelmed to see my babies all together and for Hayes and Libby to meet Spencer, finally.  I am still debating the kids coming to visit Spencer in the hospital... not sure if that's a wise move or not?

The plan, as of now, is to deliver via c-section on Monday, EARLY.  Caroline is coming to stay with the kids Sunday night and Aunt Patsy will come early Monday morning to help get them to and from school.  MawMaw is coming to stay with kids Monday evening/overnight until Wednesday evening.  Papa and BeBe will be here with the kids until we get home from the hospital Thursday (I hope that's when we get released)... I am fairly certain that BeBe will be the one bringing us home from the hospital.  Daryk has a track meet and he needs to be there Thursday.  Realize that the 'trip home from the hospital' is not important to me.  Save me the comments and lecture about how he shouldn't be coaching because he should be with us... I get to decide what's best for my family and the drive from N'side to Winston isn't important to me.     

I'll be home with the kids, the husband, and the newborn on Friday all day!  Here is hoping that the weather remains beautiful and that the temperatures are friendly to some outside time for me and SB.  I am thrilled for this new chapter in our lives.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Sometimes I need a reminder that this child brings more joy than sorrow.  I need a reminder that she is precious and wonderful.  Often times she makes me feel like I need medication...  She has more personality in her little finger than most people will have in their lifetime.  She brings more laughter and joy to my days than most people ever will... but she also makes me want to hurl myself out a window.  I love her.
I've loved her for so long that I forget what I did before she came along.  From the first minute I learned I was pregnant with her big brother, I wanted HER.  I wanted my girl.  A girl.  A little mini me to dress up and play with... well... I got her.  My girl.  The little mini me.  Stubborn, caring, sensitive, head-strong, and opinionated.  She is more precious to me than I'll ever be able to explain, even with the bad days.  I wouldn't trade her for the world and I cannot wait to meet her sister.  She makes me more patient, more loving, more frustrated, and more affectionate every single day.  She is my Libby James and she is hysterical.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

12 days until Spencer arrives

Today I went to the doctor.  I am officially 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant as of today.  I am tired and hot and cranky and ready to be able to roll over in bed without cramping or hurting or falling out of the bed.  I am beyond ready to have a belly that sorta looks normal-ish.

38 weeks:  baby is measuring about 18 inches long (the size of a leek, in case you operate in weird vegetable language), her organs are fully mature and ready for life outside the womb, and she's huge.  No, seriously.... she is.  My doctor asked me today how big the last 2 were and I reminded him (he's not my regular doctor, so I won't hold it against him) that they were both rather large.  He said her head was about 1-2 inches smaller than my hips actually spread.  He informed me that I should be thankful I wasn't born in the olden days or I would have died in childbirth.  So thankful for modern medicine, it has allowed me to have 3 children and I love them.  The doctor today really wanted to 'check' to see if I was dilated any, and I just laughed at him, but I let him check.  Anddddddddddddd nothing.  Nada.

This belly is heavy and I've gained about 35-40 lbs total, depending on the day.  I'm so pleased with that, considering that I gained about 60 or so with the first two.  I am certain that I could have been more active this pregnancy and that might have helped, but I also have a full time job, 2 small children, and multiple responsibilities outside my home to fulfill.  I'm okay with it.  Not perfect, but better.

I'm tired of wearing maternity clothes.  I'd honestly prefer NOT to wear anything until I deliver, but I'm sure that's illegal and at the very least, scary.  I am just uncomfortable.  It is getting warmer and that is really not fun!  I am thankful that we have had a pretty brutal winter and pretty chilly spring.  I have not been swollen at all, so I'm still able to wear my rings!  Unheard of at 38 weeks for most mommas!  I have been eating pretty much all things that are NOT nailed down for the last 2 weeks but I'm not gaining weight... thank goodness.  I did however, gain 6 lbs in one month and since then I've gained nothing.  Awesome.

I don't sleep great, but I do manage about 6-7 hours most nights.  I obviously spend plenty of time trekking to the potty as well.  Baby girl is also very active 3-4 different times at night.  She loves to wallow between 9-11 pm and 2-4 am.  At this point, she's so large that it literally takes my breath away OR makes me feel like I need to go pee immediately.  My doctor pointed out today that movement is good and that it indicates that she's healthy.  Movement makes me feel like I might be dying or losing other major organs...

Our house is almost ready for her.  Her crib is ready and Libby's big girl bed gets put together this weekend.  She has a new mattress and she's ready for some big girl bed sleep!  I'm in process of washing all the itty bitty baby clothes so that Spencer will have something to wear once she arrives.  Bibs are clean.  Burp cloths are clean.  I think I'll work on packing a bag next week.

A couple of things are still lingering on my to-do list, but they are not all baby necessary...

  • clean out Hayes and Libby's drawers and closets
  • make a donate pile
  • pull up my 'after baby clothes' from the basement
  • wash all pack and play sheets/gear
  • rearrange car seats so that Spencer is up front and big kids are in the back
  • pack our hospital stuff
  • clean out bathroom cabinets and discard crap
  • wash all bottles (because I'm a compulsive weirdo)
  • clean the house well before she arrives
  • cook and freeze about 10 meals (again, weirdo)
Thankful that SPRING BREAK is next week.  I have 2 more days at school and then I'm out for a week before SB is born.  12 days and counting people.  12 days.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Totally dinner approved, yes?

This is an appropriate dinner, right?  I mean, it has a couple of food groups... most of them sugar... but it totally counts as dinner.  I had this a few nights last week because I was too lazy/pregnant/tired to cook anything.  My children didn't mind one bit.  

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


This is totally normal right?
Everyone uses their preschoolers to help around the house....
I mean, we should teach them good habits early, right?
The funny thing to me is that Hayes used to be TERRIFIED of the vacuum cleaner.
Ran from the room and screamed, terrified.
I guess he's gotten over that fear.
Either that OR he's just not going to let his little sister show him up.
She wasn't about to let him have all the fun.
She ran into the room and demanded her turn.
Here's hoping that they both still enjoy the vacuum when they are 12.

At that point, it will be a requirement that they vacuum all the time.