Friday, February 27, 2015


Those lashes are gorgeous and she doesn't even wear mascara!

Waffles, french fries, fruit, muffins, any breakfast food... her favorite.

Happily exploring the bathroom drawers and finding mischief...

Practicing her pirate face for summer posing with Hayes...

She's such a blessing.  Just the other day Daryk said, "I'm so glad I let you have a 3rd one."

Me too Dad, me too.

Friday, February 20, 2015


The carrier of all the things.
All the toys.
His snack and drink.
He keeps more treasures in his hands than I can keep up with daily.
He doesn't share them.
He enjoys his Transformers the most.
Occasionally we sport wild hair.
He wants a mohawk more than anything.
But his hair grows crazy... like Daryk's.
So, no mohawk for now.
Too much work for momma in the mornings...
He also celebrates getting a new toy.
He loves toys.
He will obsess about them and never put them down.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Sooooooooooo, last week my Kitty celebrated her 30th birthday.  I was able to orchestrate an epic surprise lunch for her!  I emailed some of her colleagues about it the week before and coordinated with them for a special lunch!  I was terrified to manage the whole thing by myself since I had all 3 kids and no help!  Thankfully we pulled it off.  I was actually on the phone with Kitty wishing her a Happy Birthday while we were driving to her office.  I told her we were going to Target.  I quickly realized I was going to have to get off the phone or she would wonder what Target we were going to...
We went to Sams to get her gift and cookies to celebrate before we headed to her office.  After Sams, we went to Chick-fil-A and got us all lunch.  I put in a call to Kitty's husband to get her current lunch order at CFA.  After CFA we drove a little bit farther to Kitty's office, made a pit stop for a diaper change and potty break on the way into the building, and then headed up to Kitty's floor!  

I was greeted by the receptionist and put in a conference room to wait for Kitty!  I was SO excited to be able to actually surprise her!  She walked around the corner and I'm not sure she expected us to be sitting there, but we were!  It was awesome.  We got to enjoy a nice little lunch break and spend some time with Kitty while we were out of school.  I know I enjoyed it immensely and I think my kids did too!  She has really cool fountains (rivers) at her office and we got to ride an elevator up to her office.  My kids LOVE both of those things AND they love Kitty too!  

I mean, 1/3 looking at the camera isn't too shabby, right?  

Happy 30th Kitty.  
You are the best middle sister I've ever had and I am so thankful to have you close!  

Sunday, February 15, 2015


This year before school started Hayes wanted to be in the crazy crab class.  He had no desire to be anything but a crazy crab.  No puppies, no turtles, just crabs.  

Fast forward to the first weekend we took home Scruffy and I knew why he was in that class.  He has fabulous teachers who are energetic and who help to deal with his energy.  He has a class with a great balance of girls and boys and he loves his peers.  He spends a lot of time talking about the classmates he has and a lot of time loving on them as well.  He's a story telling kinda kid and I'm pretty sure he gets that from his genetic makeup on both sides.  I'm confident that he's a Percy in training.  He's a talker, that's for sure, but only after you get him rolling.  
He was beyond thrilled to bring this puppy home.  He literally talked about him for weeks before it was his turn.  We have been lucky enough to have TWO turns this year with Scruffy the puppy.  He's the class pet in the Puppy Class, and he's Hayes favorite pet ever.  He's the only pet that we are going to have or entertain for at least 6 more years.  Y'all think I'm playing, but I'm not.  Nothing else that's alive unless I get to carry it in my uterus.  And no, I'm not pregnant... but I do not want an animal or anything else I have to potty train or feed or clean up after or wash up.  Until all my people can wash themselves, wipe their own butt, load their dishes and fix their own breakfast... we will get no animals.  None.

So, we will take time with this fluffy stuffed puppy when he comes along.  

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Freezing for Football

In light of the blustery weather outside, I thought I would throw it back to one of my favorite nights this year.  We have spent most Friday nights since 2006 at the high school.  Some of those nights have been spent coaching and some of them have been spent with my littles on the sidelines.  This past season was one of my favorites since I got to embrace the littles and not coach.  Deciding not to coach was bittersweet for me.  I love the girls, but I love my littles as well.  I had to choose between the two, for the sake of time and my sanity.  It was unbelieveably difficult to walk away from those young ladies and I have missed them tremendously.  

This one especially.
Love her.
But being a mom and aunt has its perks too...
Sweet lord at the crazies...
and it is beautiful to see these two things merge...
Seeing the girls love my littles is precious beyond description.