Saturday, February 4, 2017

Influenster Diapers

I get the awesome priviledge of using Influenster and getting products to try for FREE!  I just got some Babies R Us diapers in January!  We loved the program and trying new diapers.  Unfortuantely, we didn't really care for the diaper quality.  They were not as absorbent as what we were used to and they smelled of urine very quickly.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2017: Goal Update

Read a devotional book and complete Bible studies as the year goes along.  I just began 'Draw the Circle:  The 40 Day Prayer Challenge' and it will take me through the end of January.  After that I will be INTENTIONAL about reading The Circle Maker and then the book about praying circles around my children.  I know that prayer for my family will never be done.
I started the 40 Day Prayer Challenge and had to back up and read The Circle Maker first.  Read things in order... do as your told.... two things I'm not good at.  But I'm almost done with The Circle Maker!  I cannot wait to start my 40 Days!

Grow crops this summer, well really just tomatoes and possibly cucumbers.  I will be INTENTIONAL and get seedlings started in April so I can have food by summertime!  But don't tell anyone who lives in my neighborhood because they are against the HOA rules...
I have been looking at what should be planted in our zone in February and March.  I honestly only want tomatoes and cucumbers.  

Clean out/organize one room a month, including the closets in each room.  I will post my list of rooms next week so I can be INTENTIONAL about scheduling time for them in the coming months.  I know that purging items from each room is such an awesome feeling, plus we are able to get rid of SO MUCH tiny baby/kid stuff.
Working in my closets and bathrooms in January wasn't terrible.  The kids' closets are going to take some more time though.  I want to purge all the things that no longer apply to their sizes and lives for donation or sale.  I am anxious to work on the playroom and have all that organized as well.  

Purchase new furniture via living room.  Sell antiques.  I am beyond ready to have some established pieces in my living room.  I'd like to create/find some functional storage pieces for the space.  It is really small and the seating is awkward, so it makes it challenging.  I am going to have to be INTENTIONAL about shopping for it or finding plans to MAKE it.
Got a new shelf but it is more decorative and less functional than I would have liked... so while I'm excited to HAVE it, it isn't what I really wanted.  This month I will be sure to list my furniture on craigslist or facebook marketplace to get rid of it!  

Repair ceiling in kitchen, repair the wall in the master bath, major yard renovation to grow actual grass in the front yard.  None of this will take large amounts of time, but it may require large amounts of money.  The yard will be the biggest cost of money AND time.  I will have to plan the yard starting in February so we can be INTENTIONAL about getting good dirt and grass.  
Bought paint.  Need to do some youtube research for the process of this.  I feel like it is going to be a gradual thing.  The ceiling... the yard is a work in progress.  Need dirt.  Then grass.  Will wait until spring for that...

Run/exercise 3 times a week.  I feel like this is the biggest struggle of my life.  I know it will make me feel better and be a positive force in my life.  It will make all things better and I know that, but MAKING time for it is my struggle.  I should alter my goal so that it says MAKE TIME TO EXERCISE 3 times a week, which really just means I have to GET UP EARLY and I hate that.  Get over it Carrie.  Grow up.
Nope.  No progress in January, but I will do it this month.  I turn 35 and I want my health to be a priority.  

Become a Mary Kay sales director.  I will work my business 3 times a week for the entire months of January thru March.  If I am INTENTIONAL about working the business then my goal will be a reality.
I am in a holding pattern for this and the next goal.  I need to pray hard.  

Quit teaching... must complete the sales director goal first...

Pay off all credit cards.  We have been INTENTIONAL about this for the last few months, but I need to be more disciplined about the process.  The Dave Ramsey plan is moving us in that direction and I've been planning that for us for months!
One more month on the first payment/card and it is DONE!  Snowball is rolling y'all!  

The following lists are just things we have on the agenda at no particular time or in no particular order.  We had some of them on the agenda for 2016 but ended up repairing the chimney instead.  Just the 'wish list' if you will...

Home Updates 2017
Trees beside driveway and in back yard need to come down...
Concrete driveway must be repaired
Deck built?
Paint my room--my office
Paint dining room--green and grey
Paint entry way--same grey as dining room
New blinds--Hayes, kids bathroom, playroom, my room/office

Glass door for front porch
Built ins in living room
Paint shutters, front door, and awning
Desktop computer
Head board master bedroom