Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Baby

Last week this girl had a birthday.  She's 7 years younger than me and was my first baby.  I remember changing her diapers.  I remember using cloth diapers, with actual diaper pins, and rubber pants and changing her diapers.  People think I'm crazy when I say that, but I remember it like it was yesterday.  I remember when we found out she was born and we jumped up and down on Aunt Patsy and Uncle Malcolm's bed at that big white house with a pool.  I remember when she came home and how tiny she was.  I remember how she loved to be around momma and how she would spend hours nestled close to her in that blue velour robe before school and in the van while it warmed up.  I remember Leigh Anne reaching her chubby hands atop the table to grab mom's coffee cup so she could steal a sip of the leftover cold coffee.  I remember her yelling from the bathroom as she was potty training and needed help... (sorry sissy)... 

Mostly I remember thinking that she was mine.  She was someone I got to help with and take care of.  She didn't like to brush her hair or wear socks with a seam across the toe.  It was her job to smell the piles of clothes in our room, all 3 of us shared, and decide clean or dirty.  She had the most beautiful curly hair and momma made her cut it because she refused to brush it.  She was, and still is, the tallest one of us.  She still has that gorgeous curly hair.  She has the best skin and longest legs.  She loves to sing and always has.  She spent a lot of her childhood chasing us around ballfields and softball tournaments.  She quit gymnastics because it smelled like feet.  She has always been a pain... continues to be one.

But I love her.  With my whole heart.  She is my favorite baby sister and I cannot wait for her wedding.  

Happy Birthday Leigh Anne Palmer.  
You only have a few weeks left for me to call you LAP.

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