Sunday, July 28, 2013

She sleeps. Late. Real late.

Just after 10 a.m. on a regular summer morning.
I believe she is like me and loves her sleep.

This was just before the 'gimme my milk mommy' scream exited her sweet mouth.

Milk coma has calmed the wild woman and she sits while I fold laundry.

Monday, July 22, 2013

For Ten Days

Soooooooooo, every summer Daryk goes to Fargo ND to coach wrestling.
And every summer I want to die around day 3-4 because my children are nuts.
And thus, driving me nuts.
He stayed with me one summer because I was about to have a baby, thankfully....
But every other summer, 10 days with no Daryk/Daddy.

I die.

So this year, I had to work and sent the kids to the lake for a few days.
Then Hayes had summer camp for 2 days.
Libby had gymnastics and we took a lot of naps.
After that I begged for sitters to help so I could embark on my makeover adventure.

This picture that started it all.
Hobby Lobby is the death of me.
I found this on clearance for $11 and I decided that I wanted it.
Now, for a place to put it...
That's how I decorate.
I buy things I love and then take them home to figure out what to do....
Is this logical?
Probably not, but it works for me.
My life motto.
Positive Polly over here.

I found these lovies to hang in the bathroom for towels. 
Also, Hobby Lobby 50% off.

I decided to be adventurous and spray paint the light fixtures.
I found a you tube tutorial and watched it a few times to make sure I knew what I was doing.
I also flipped the breaked so I wouldn't die of electric shock.


Final color!

The bathroom looks like a high lighter yellow/green.
It is bright.
I love it.

The master bedroom is a green/minty/ish color.
Also in love.
Bed quilt was a TJ Maxx find.
Shams and pillow cases from Target clearance.
The lovely blue flowers were a Hobby Lobby clearance find!

I have plans to finish the room and change the lamps.

I love it!
Daryk even said he could deal with it.
I have a few more finishing touches to add this week...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Update 2013

So, its 2013.
I vow to complete at LEAST 13 tasks.

I thought I'd provide an update on my 2013 life goals.
I'm still working on some of them.

1.  Run one race a month.  Half marathon, 5k, 10k, something.  Every month.

Let's just assume this one isn't going to happen.
It is July.
I have run zero races...
I have one scheduled in August, but um... 

2.  Pay off all the medical bills.

Welllllll, Daryk hurt his knee, again.
We are in the hole again with that one, but that is the ONLY one right now!

3.  Pay off Daryk's truck.... and buy a minivan.

Writing the last check for that truck in August.
Saving for a mini van for 6 months and then going to buy one... or something of the like.

4.  Learn to focus on the task at hand.

I am going to assume this is something God is teaching me daily.
I am still working on it and trying to get better.
I would venture to say that this goal has made taken my list making to a whole new level.

5.  Grow a summer garden consisting of tomatoes and herbs.

No garden for me, yet.
Thinking of growing some herbs this fall inside the house.

6.  Create or craft something new every month.

Doing very well with this one!
I've been making headbands, baby carriers, shorts, and I'm tackling skirts this month!

7.  Play soccer with grown ups.

I played in an adult women's league for FUN this spring.
I LOVED the calorie burn, the friendship, AND the fact that I got to play soccer.

8.  Read one book every month for fun.

I read 3 books for FUN at the beach in one week in July.
3/12 months... I better get another couple in the que.

9.  Use my food dehydrator for fruit and such.

I tried this and concluded that it was more work than it was worth.
Anybody want a dehydrator?

10.  Blog at least four times a week.

Yeah, no.
I'm better about it though!
Perhaps my more realistic goal would have been 2-3 times a week.

11.  Print pictures of my kids every month to give or mail to my family.

Oh my goodness.
I need to work on this one.

12.  Paint and decorate.  this.  house.  

We painted the kitchen.
I'm hoping to tackle the master bedroom and bath while Daryk is in Fargo.

13.  Organize the bleeping garage.

Garage was done in May.
It was a team effort with help from Daryk.
Funny story about that day....
It was a Friday morning and while we were cleaning the garage.
I bet 4 people stopped to ask if we were having a garage sale....
We just have a lot of crap.
And these are the others that are floating in my head....

clean out the closets and storage areas of my home
worked in the kids closets some
cleaned out the master closet some as well
planning to work in the other areas this week

reward my fitness efforts with yoga pants, not for yoga, just lounging because I love those pants.
bought lots of walmart fitness clothes
love those!

potty train Libby James late summer
she is ALMOST done

I shall update you all every month on how the list is coming along and what I get done, or not...
Obviously, some of these things will not get done until later in the year.
They are my goals.
My tasks to complete.