I know everyone gets tired of me saying it, but she's not a real baby. Real babies aren't always this happy. I believe in my heart without a doubt that children play off your emotions and attitude about 90% of the time, the other 10% of the time they are who they are going to be. Spencer is the easiest baby ever. The other two were easy, but she's a dreamy child. It isn't even normal. She is happy to sit and happy to walk. She is only unhappy when she's really tired or hungry. She was a trooper for this trip to Vidalia for The Onion Festival. We left in the middle of the afternoon in hopes that the kids would sleep on the way down, no such luck. However, we had a blast once we arrived in Vidalia. We spent Friday night browsing the street festival and fireworks. Saturday was really rainy and we made it out to the arts and crafts festival for a little bit after the rain went away.

In between Onion Fest events we jumped on the trampoline, got mosquito bites, and drew on the patio with chalk. We spent a lot of time with our cousins and really enjoyed the time with family.
Some of us ate chalk. Not mentioning any names, but poop gets pretty colorful...
Just sayin'...
Working on fine motor skills and handwriting with this girl for her entrance into 'pre k' this fall...
I was sincerely hoping that Spencer would be a nice blend of her siblings. Subtly cautious and a bit daring. Instead I got a duplicate of the crazy sister. Fearless Wonder Version 2.0. She doesn't care about anything. Throws caution to the wind and climbs all things....
Messiest eater on the planet...
Fearless baby with rolls for days...
I need to work on my pirate face. He's perfected it, but I look like something might be wrong with me. His favorite part of the whole weekend was the mysterious gray deer. More about that later...