Sometimes life comes full circle. You spend time loving children who don't belong to you. You wake up early and go to their house to care for them. You sleep over and have them sleep over at your house some too. You travel with them to the beach and to their great grandmother's funeral. You change diapers, help potty train, paint, bake cookies, and practice being a parent. You love them, like they are your own. You worry that as they grow up they will forget you. You pray that doesn't happen because you love them so much.

And then, they meet you at the beach on that random vacation. The youngest one yells your name as soon as she sees you and then sprints down the beach to hug your neck. You cry as she's running towards you because you remember that she used to be your Elizabeth's size and now she's in middle school. She jumps up and gives you the best hug ever. Clearly, she hasn't forgotten you. Maybe she doesn't remember the hugs, the diaper changes, the endless hours you spent together... but she remembers you.
This is my Elizabeth James playing with my Morgan Elizabeth. I was thrilled for them to meet and spend time together. I was overjoyed to be able to see those girls and their daddy! I was honestly worried that they might forget me and my sisters. I have faith that they won't forget me! I'm SO thankful for that reassurance.
And they h ave gotten SO big. Too big. And they look like little ladies now... not little girls.
Handsome scruffy BHess.
My heart goes pitter pat at this picture. I love those girls!
They loved Spencer too.