Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thanksgiving Races and Pregnancy

My goal with this pregnancy was to NOT gain 700 lbs.
I haven't done well with weight gain prior to this pregnancy, but I'm proud of myself this go round.
I wish I had more time and energy to be active, but I just don't.
Kudos to you people who do just that!
I am trying to be more mindful of my eating habits and my body.
I eat when I'm hungry and try to be healthy...
don't we all!?

I decided that I wanted to complete some 5k races during this pregnancy.
My goal was one rave per trimester.
So far, so good.
I've got one more trimester to go and I'll have it done!
The pregnancy and the races...

First race was in August.
Run or Dye with the jogging stroller and the husband.
It was awesome.
I was barely pregnant and ran the majority of it.
Daryk and I decided a loooooooong time ago in 2013 we wanted to do the Turkey Day 5k.
So Thanksgiving morning long before the actual sun came up, we got up.
It. was. freezing.
I had on my favorite Old Navy running tights and multiple layers on top!
The race started & ended at Turner Field.
The porta potties closest to our car had ZERO toilet paper.
Um, gross and cold.
We arrived on time, parked the car, and sat inside until we absolutely HAD to go start.
Of course, you have to take pictures of it or it doesn't count, right!?
Selfie number 1.
After this Daryk says, 'hurry up and take another facie already.'
I burst out laughing because he said facie and not selfie...
I was dying laughing at his attempt at the cool vocab.

So I got this picture....
The race began.
We froze while running.
I wish that I could have felt my fingers.
The pictures available that day would have been hilarious.
There were people dressed as pilgrims, turkeys, and other food items.
Some people had hats that looked like turkeys as well.
I wanted to run as much of the race that I could.
Mind you, I didn't train and I'm out of shape.
As well as 5 months pregnant...
So I ran as much as I could.
The hardest part of running while pregnant wasn't being out of shape or being pregnant.
It was the bladder!
Thankfully somewhere between mile 1.5-2.5 there was a BP station open!
A very kind man let me use the facilities and I was able to run again.
As we were finishing our 5k there were people running across the finish like for the 
HALF marathon as well.
I was just proud to FINISH and not pee my pants or die.

Thankfully some sweet girl took our photos afterwards.
We got yummy snacks and some great race day goodies from the Verizon booth!

So proud to finish that race WITH my baby belly and hubby.
Planning a 5k in January and hoping for another in March!
After that, I'll be on light duty until August because of the baby girl!

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