It truly takes a village. These are just a few of my village people. (pun intended)
Husband--though he's a default part of The Village, because he's the dad and all, he's still a vital part of the reason I'm still sane, the reason I enjoy my life and my children. He's also the reason I wash sooooo many loads of laundry. He is an AMAZING partner for this journey and possibly the best DAD ever.
This is BeBe. Extremely important part of The Village. She single-handedly entertains and loves these babies like they are hers. I mean, technically the ARE hers, but mine, really. She is the best go to babysitter and has rescued me from plenty of hairy situations with the kids and she's always my first check point when I need mom advice. I don't know that I would have survived this adventure in Mom Land. Afterall, I'm perfect, so she did an amazing job, right?

She is married to
Papa Jack and he LOVES my babies. He is always making them laugh and chasing Hayes around the 'circle' in the kitchen at their house. Never ceases to be a GOOD time and a good laugh. He he he...They are HIS babies just as much as they are mine and he is an ENDLESS source of YouTube for Hayes!
I have a couple of sisters...
First.... Kitty, who will likely tell me that this is not her best photo. It is the best Daniel photo I've got. She is the BEST Aunt Kitty my kids could possibly EVER have. She's our city aunt and she's also the consistent Skype/FaceTime conversation. Hayes looks forward to talking to Kitty and Diddle as often as possible. She is just as entertained by my babies as I am and she thinks they are hilarious.
And this is
Leigh Anne. She loves my chirrens too. Hayes calls her YeYe and associates Chick fil A outings with her. Anytime we drive by the red and white signs he immediately asks where she is! I think maybe he knows....
Elizabeth clearly thinks the toy is more fun that YeYe.... her time will come soon enough.
MawMaw comes next. She has helped take care of my babies and surely loves them! She spoils them rotten and sends them home! Lucky ME! I love having her as part of the family because she keeps DAD in line.
This is PawPaw. He teaches Hayes about fish. I'm sure he will teach Elizabeth too, but for now just Hayes. He was trying to convince Hayes to KISS the fish? I'm not sure Hayes was on board with that plan, what do you think? PawPaw is good for teaching about ALL things outside walking or flying in the woods and swimming in the water. Hayes will NEVER ceased to be amazed by the beauty God created as long as he has his PawPaw.
There are LOTS of other folks in The Village, but they will have to come another day. Blessings abound!